Sunday 27 September 2015

Parallel Parking

DDS Cumming is better for new drivers to give test but may be not so favorable for existing drivers who are driving for many years. Reason:

1. It is good for new drivers because, roads they follow are having comparatively less traffic as compared to other DDS around. Since, this center is far off the main Atlanta city.

2. it’s bad for old drivers, because || parking place is divided in two categories: one for normal cars and one for commercial vehicles. Result is, the || parking place they have in Cumming for normal cars is as per actual standards as prescribed by Georgia Law. [Which is close to 22 x10. A little bit less than actual standards around 21.xx into 9.xx    ]

On the other hand || parking place in other DMV's like Sandy springs and Norcross use same || parking place for commercial and normal vehicles, so dimensions in other DMV's is bigger and it is easier to pass in || parking.


34.22577 -84.10736

How points are given in Georgia Driver Road Test

How points are given in Georgia Driver Road Test (I don’t take responsibility if these details are incorrect / changed in future)

You have to earn minimum 75 point out of 100. Below mentioned are the things based on which they start deducting marks, the moment you jump below 75, you are asked to return back to DMV main gate:

1.       Automatic failures : At any time during the test any of the following occurrences constitutes an automatic failure :
Any Traffic law violation
Cause of an accident
Dangerous Act/Behavior
Failure to follow directions

2.       Pre-inspection
Mandatory Items: Break Lights, Tires, Registration, Turn Signals, Windshield, Seatbelts, Horn, Insurance, Mirrors
Secondary Items (Inclimate weather): Taillights, Headlights, Windshield wipers

3.       Parallel Parking (Basic Skills Test):
5 points: Failure to give signal, take two attempts to park, leaving vehicle in center of parking space, slight contact with standards
10 points: Unable to park in two attempts, leaving vehicle more than 18 inches or legal distance from curb, failing to check traffic when pulling from curb, two or more items in 5 point section.

4.       Turn About (Basic Skills Test):
4 points: Failure to give signal for stopping, bumping curb or scarping tire along curb, racing engine, stopping three times.
8 points: Blocking traffic, bumping curb sharply, stopping more than three times or backing more than once, failing to look both ways before moving

5.       Quick Stop (Basic Skills Test):
10 points: Permitting vehicle to swerve slightly, permitting vehicle to slip off brake pedal, releasing brakes before stops, travelling in excess of 50 feet before stopping.
20 points:  Permitting vehicle to swerve considerably or turn sideways, or two or more items under the 10 point section.

6.       Straight Line Backing (Basic Skills Test):
4 points: Hesitant, weaving, jumping clutch, backing over 10 mph, opening door and looking back.
8 points: Driving forward to straighten out, bumping curb or scraping tire along curb, racing engine, stopping three times.

7.       Intersections (On road Test): You are judged against Start (deduct 2 or 1), Approach (deduct 2 or 1), Stop Sign (deduct 4 or 2), Traffic signal (deduct 2 or 1), Start on Grade (deduct 8 or 4), Stop on Grade (deduct 6 or 3). For each faulty attempt, based on severity points are deducted as given in braces.

8.       Left and Right Turn (On road Test): You are judged for Signal, speed, Lane and turn. For each faulty attempt, based on severity one or two points are deducted.

9.       Merge/Lane Change (On road Test): You are checked against Signal if needed ( 2 for left miss and 2 for right miss), speed ( 1 for left and 1 for right), Lane use( 1 for left and 1 for right), Traffic checks( 3 for left and 3 for right)

10.   General driving behavior (On road Test): You are checked against braking ( cut 2 for bad and 1 for fair), speed control ( 2 for bad 1 for fair), Lane usage ( 6 for bad and 3 for fair), Awareness of conditions ( deduct 4 for bad and 2 for fair), Time compared to normal ( deduct 4 for bad and 2 for fair), Posture ( penalty 6 for bad and 3 for fair), Distraction ( penalty 2 for bad and 1 for fair), being overtaken ( 2 for bad, 1 for fair) , Use of horn ( 2 for bad, 1 for fair), Use of clutch ( 4 for bad, 2 for fair), Attention ( 6 for bad and 3 for fair), keeping in lane ( 2 for bad , 1 for fair), Right of way ( 2 for bad and 1 for fair)